
What does the photo above looks like to you? It looks like it’s sinking, and yet many boaters come to its rescue only to be turned away. This is one ship that does not need rescuing, as it can floats very well actually! Julien Berthier, a trickster and artist, has whipped up a shipwreck sculpture that still floats. Berthier had cut a yacht in half and made serious modifications to it, resulting in the boat you see in the picture above.

Berthier says that “There was a misunderstanding like if I had made this piece to have coast guards run to help me even though there was no reason to. It is important to say that coast guards and harbor masters have always been warned and that the piece is not at all about crying to the wolf.”

This is a pretty nice, convincing sculpture and I thought it was actually sinking when I first saw it online. Check out the video below for info about the shipwreck sculpture!

Love Love from julien berthier on Vimeo.